मागील वर्षात जागितक बाजारात खळबळ उडाली ! ती या वर्षाच्या सुरवातीलाच देखील दिसुन येत होती. फेड ची प्रत्येक दरवाढ बाजार अशांत करत आहे.
या वर्षी फेडची दरवाढ आणि चीन यांच्या प्रत्येक घडामोडी पाहण्या सारख्या असतील असे मला वाटते... तर जालावर सध्या रिसेशन कधी येणार यावर चर्चा चाललेली दिसते. ट्रम तात्या भिंतीला चिकटुन बसले आहेत तर तिकडे क्रिमिया मध्ये रशियाने एस-४०० तैनात केले आहे. बिटकॉइचा बुडबुडा फुटल्यावर या वर्षी क्रिप्टो करन्सी कशी वाटचाल करेल हे देखील पाहणे रोचक ठरेल.
जसा वेळ मिळेल तसा हा धागा अपडेट करत राहीन.
जाता जाता :-७ आकडा आणि त्याच्या गमती मागिल भागातुन या भागात देखील पहायला मिळतील का ? याच्या सध्या विचारात आहे. :)
‘Flash-Crash’ Moves Hit Currency Markets
It took seven minutes for the yen to surge through levels that have held through almost a decade.
आधीचा भाग :-जागतिक/भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्थेतील घडामोडी आणि आपण { भाग-६ } ट्रेड वॉर
7 Jan 2019 - 7:56 pm | अर्धवटराव
जय हरि जय हरि.
14 Jan 2019 - 6:39 am | मदनबाण
There is something brewing in Germany: Fears of recession after latest industrial data
'Bad and unexpected': Germany probably just went into a recession
Germany CRISIS: Economy minister says Berlin must ACT NOW as economists fear RECESSION
Europe IN CRISIS: Are France and Germany on BRINK of major RECESSION?
Germany Prepares for an Economic Downturn
एशिया झोन मध्ये चीन तर युरो झोन मध्ये जर्मनीची ग्रोथ इंजिन म्हणुन ओळख आहे.
China Car Sales Drop for Fifth Month to Leave Carmakers Reeling
China passenger car sales fall for first time in 20 years
China retailers slash iPhone prices after Apple sales warning
The US-China tech war is getting worse. Apple is paying the price
Poland Arrests 2, Including Huawei Employee, Accused of Spying for China
Huawei sacks employee arrested in Poland on spying charges
ले ऑफ-
SpaceX to layoff 10% of workforce
Jaguar Land Rover announces 4,500 job cuts | Al Jazeera English
जाता जाता- सत्ते पे सत्ता -
Probability of a recession rises to the highest in 7 years: WSJ Survey
Last week’s shocking news that Apple was losing $7 billion from iPhone projected sales due to China sent the market into a tailspin.
In Apple Loss, How Big A Deal Is China, Really?
आजची स्वाक्षरी :- Jumbalaka Jumbalaka - En Swasa Kaatre
14 Jan 2019 - 12:15 pm | विजुभाऊ
बिटकोईन बबल नाही हो म्हणता येणार.'त्याचा आजचा दर
1 Bitcoin = 2,50,863.53 Indian Rupee.
प्रश्न हा येतो की क्रिप्टो करन्सी चा वापर कसा करायचा?
आणि त्याच्या दरावर कोणाचे नियंत्रण असते
14 Jan 2019 - 3:02 pm | मदनबाण
बिटकोईन बबल नाही हो म्हणता येणार.'त्याचा आजचा दर
1 Bitcoin = 2,50,863.53 Indian Rupee.
Yep, Bitcoin Was a Bubble. And It Popped.
आजची स्वाक्षरी :- Jumbalaka Jumbalaka - En Swasa Kaatre
21 Jan 2019 - 9:20 am | मदनबाण
जाता जाता :-
Some Hong Kong Stocks Sink 70% as Wave of Selling Hits
आजची स्वाक्षरी :- Gori | A Band OF Boys | Full Album Song
25 Jan 2019 - 11:41 pm | मदनबाण
ले ऑफ-
BuzzFeed to cut 15% of staff in new round of layoffs
General Electric to cut close to 470 jobs in France: unions
Verizon Media Laying Off 800 Employees, or 7% of Staff in AOL and Yahoo Group
इतर :-
How Tesla’s 7% Stock Drop Shows Dow Jones Isn’t in the Clear
China's 2018 growth slows to 28-year low, more stimulus seen
Asset managers brace for more job cuts amid market turbulence
WARNING: Chinese Corporate Bond Defaults Hit Record High
Beijing tells cadres to prepare for the worst amid uncertainties of its high-stakes trade war with the US
जाता जाता :-
Xi warns China to maintain political security against 'black swans' of economic volatility
आजची स्वाक्षरी :-Indian army practice session / 155mm Bofors Gun
3 Feb 2019 - 8:34 pm | मदनबाण
Maduro’s Bid to Fly Gold Out of Venezuela Is Blocked
Turkey warned over Venezuela gold trade
UAE firm says it bought 3 tons of Venezuela gold
UAE's Noor Capital says it bought 3 tonnes of gold from Venezuela
Venezuela Halts Gold Sales as US, UK Target Caracas' Hard Assets - Report
गोल्ड मधली सगळ्यात मोठी बातमी :-
Bank of England refused to return $1.2bn in gold to Venezuela – reports
Maduro Stymied in Bid to Pull $1.2 Billion of Gold From U.K.
U.K. Leaves Fate of Venezuela's Gold Up to the Bank of England
व्हेनाज्युएलाचे सोने परत देण्यास नकार देउन बँक ऑफ इंग्ल्डंन ने सर्वात मोठी चूक केली आहे, असे करुन त्यांनी त्यांची विश्वासार्हता गमावली आहे. त्यांच्याकडे ठेवले जाणारे सोने सुरक्षित नाही असा त्याचा अर्थ होतो.
इतर :-
The year central banks fell in love with gold
जाता जाता :-
Nasdaq Is Now Working With 7 Cryptocurrency Exchanges
आजची स्वाक्षरी :- Dombivli Return | Official Teaser | Sandeep Kulkarni & Rajeshwari Sachdev |
4 Feb 2019 - 9:38 pm | डॉ सुहास म्हात्रे
व्हेनाज्युएलाचे सोने परत देण्यास नकार देउन बँक ऑफ इंग्ल्डंन ने सर्वात मोठी चूक केली आहे, असे करुन त्यांनी त्यांची विश्वासार्हता गमावली आहे. त्यांच्याकडे ठेवले जाणारे सोने सुरक्षित नाही असा त्याचा अर्थ होतो.
हे तितकेसे सरळ-सोपे नाही.
सद्या व्हेनेझुएलामध्ये राजकिय/वैधानिक पेच निर्माण झाला आहे. तो असा...
(अ) राष्ट्राध्यक्ष मदुरो यांच्या केवळ १.६% आधिक्याने निवडून आलेल्या यापूर्वीच्या कार्यकालात देशाची अर्थव्यवस्था कोलमडली.
(आ) त्यातच, आत्ताच्या निवडणूकीत त्यांनी मोठ्या प्रमाणात गडबड केली (उदा: व्होट रिगिंग, अनेक विरोधी उमेदवारांना निवडणूकीस उभे राहण्यास मज्जाव करणे आआणिकिंवा त्यांना कैदेत टाकणे, इ) असा त्यांच्यावर आरोप आहेत. यामुळे, विरोधकांचे प्राबल्य असलेल्या संसदेने त्यांची निवड स्विकारायला विरोध केला आहे.
(इ) त्यानंतर, मदुरोंनी अजून एक वादग्रस्त निर्णय घेतला. दुसर्या निवडणूकीचा निकाल लागल्यानंतरही त्यांचा पहिला कार्यकाल चालू राहील व त्यानंतरच नवीन कार्यकालाची शपथ घेणार असे त्यांनी ठरवले... म्हणजे, स्वतःसाठी एक अवैधानिक आणि अभूतपूर्व मुदतवाढ करून घेतली !
(ई) त्यांची मनमानी केवळ सैन्याच्या पाठींब्याच्या बळावर चालू आहे असे म्हटले जाते.
यामुळे व इतर कारणांनीही मदुरो व संसदेमधील दरी वाढत गेली आहे आणि त्याची परिणती Juan Guaidó या संसदेच्या मुखियाने स्वतःला 'कार्यकारी अध्यक्ष' जाहीर करून प्रशासकिय सत्ता आपल्याकडे घेतली आहे.
या परिस्थितीत, (अ) व्हेनेझुएलामध्ये शासन कोणाचे आहे? आणि म्हणून (आ) त्या देशाची परदेशातील संपत्ती (सॉव्हरिन अॅसेट्स) स्विकारण्याचे हक्क कोणाकडे आहेत? या दोन प्रश्नांची उत्तरे कठीन केली आहेत. आज ते सोने एकाला दिले आणि उद्या दुसर्याची सत्ता वैधानिक ठरली आणि त्याने ते सोने मागितले तर मग काय?
तेव्हा, या गोंधळात अनेक (युके, अमेरिका, इ चे) गैर/योग्य हितसंबध जमेस धरूनही... सोने त्वरीत परत न करण्याने बँक ऑफ इंग्लंडची पत घसरली असे सरळ सरळ म्हणता येणार नाही.
4 Feb 2019 - 10:58 pm | मदनबाण
आज ते सोने एकाला दिले आणि उद्या दुसर्याची सत्ता वैधानिक ठरली आणि त्याने ते सोने मागितले तर मग काय?
तुमचे मुद्दे जरी योग्य असले तरी मदुरो अजुन सत्तेत आहे. त्याने त्याच्या देशाचे सोने त्याच्याच आदेशावर परत मागितल्यावर बँकेने कॉन्ट्रॅक्ट नुसार सोने त्या देशास परत दिले पाहिजे.कोणाची सत्ता आहे किंवा असायला हवी हे बँक ने सांगु नये किंवा त्यांना तो अधिकारच नाही.सध्य सरकारच्या आदेशाचे पालन न करता बँकेने एका प्रकारे त्यांच्यावर अप्रत्यक्षपणे इकनॉमिक सँक्शन लावले आहे असे देखील म्हणायला हरकत नाही. यात अजुन एक जगा वेगळीच शक्यता देखील आहे कि बँकेकडेच सोने नसल्याने ती सोन्यावर डिफॉल्ट झाली आहे. :)))
एक रोचक दुवा :-
Bank of England refuses to return 14 tonnes of gold to Venezuela
आजची स्वाक्षरी :- वेल्हाळा... :- सविता दामोदर परांजपे
5 Feb 2019 - 12:56 am | डॉ सुहास म्हात्रे
मदुरो अजुन सत्तेत आहे
तो सत्तेत असला तरी, कसा सत्तेत आहे हे वर लिहिले आहेच. ती सत्ता, सद्य आंतरराष्ट्रिय मानकांप्रमाणे आणि विशेषतः मदुरोच्या कारवायांमुळे, वैध असण्याबद्दल संशय आहे, यात शंका नाही. अश्या परिस्थितीत त्या धनाच्या वारसाहक्कांबद्दल संशय निर्माण होतो. अवैध व्यक्ती/संस्थेच्या हाती धन सुपूर्द केल्यास कायद्याप्रमाणे तो कराराचा भंग ठरतो, व त्या धनाच्या राखणदारावर ठपका येतो व त्याला स्वखर्चाने वैध मालकाची भरपाई करून देणे बंधनकारक ठरते... तसे न केल्यास राखणदारावर एकूण दोन ठपके येतात...
(अ) धन अवैध व्यक्ती/संस्थेच्या हाती सोपविण्याचा बेजबाबदारपणा/हलगर्जीपणा (carelessness) आणि
(आ) वैध व्यक्तीला धन न दिल्यामुळे केलेला वचनभंग (default).
दोन्ही, वैयक्तिक, सार्वजनिक व आंतरराष्ट्रिय व्यवहारात लाजिरवाण्या गोष्टी ठरतात व त्यांच्यामुळे धनाच्या राखणदाराची पत कमी होते. तेव्हा, अश्या बाबतीत, "हाऊ सेफ इज सेफ इनफ?" या प्रश्नाचे उत्तर जरासे कठीणच असते. :)
अश्या परिस्थितीत, वारसावर (व्यक्ती, संस्था, देश, इ) आपण वैध वारस असल्याचे सिद्ध करण्याची जबाबदारी असते.
मोठमोठ्या वारसाहक्कांमध्ये, स्पष्ट लेखी मृत्युपत्र असूनही उच्च न्यायालयाकरवी मुत्युपत्र खरे असल्याचा कोर्टाचा दाखला (probate) घेतला जाण्याचा शिरस्ता असल्याच्या बातम्या पाहिल्या असतीलच... त्यांच्यामागे, वारसाहक्क वाटण्याची जबाबदारी असणार्या ट्रस्टींच्या दृष्टीने, वरचीच महत्वाचे कारणे व तत्वे असतात.
अर्थातच, कम्युनिस्ट मदुरोने स्वतःच निर्माण केलेल्या अडचणीच्या परिस्थितीचा कॅपिटॅलिस्ट देशांच्या सत्ता सोईस्कर उपयोग करून घेत असणार/आहेत, यात संशय नाही... मात्र, ती परिस्थिती मदुरोच्या अनेक अवैध कृतींमुळेच निर्माण झालेली आहे, यातही वाद नाही !
या संबंधात, काही काळापूर्वी, मालदिवमध्ये झालेला राजकिय पेचप्रसंग आठवल्यास, विषय समजायला मदत होईल असे वाटते. समजा, त्या वेळेस जर मालदिवचे धन भारताकडे राखण्यासाठी दिलेले असते, तर ते वादग्रस्तरित्या सत्तेवर असलेल्या मालदिवच्या अध्यक्षाच्या हाती देणे योग्य झाले असते... की परिस्थिती निवळेपर्यंत थांबून तेथे खात्रीलायक वैध शासन निर्माण होईपर्यंत थांबून मगच ते धन सुपुर्द करणे योग्य ठरले असते?
असो. अश्या प्रकारांत (अ) वैधतेचे दंडक, (आ) हितसंबंधी राजकारण आणि (इ) सोईस्कर कारवाई, यांची सरमिसळ असतेच असते !
10 Mar 2019 - 8:08 pm | मदनबाण
रिसेशन न्यूज :-
Italy Falls Back Into Recession As The World Fears Global Economic Slowdown
Italy's economy falls into recession for first time since 2013
Italy Is Still in the Danger Zone, and Europe Is Nervous
Recessions Are Getting Tougher to Predict
ECB reacts to recession threat by keeping interest rates low
The probability of a US recession just spiked the most in 30 years — UBS says 'even we are surprised by this'
Will the next recession be a self-fulfilling prophecy?
‘Hard landing’: Per-capita recession hits Australian economy
Australian economic growth slows, enters per capita recession
China heads for a trade recession as exports crash 20pc, and that's bad news for Australia
Global economic warning comes as Australia falls into 'per-capita recession'
Remember the recession: Scott Morrison points to last downturn
गोल्ड अपडेट :-
Hey UK! It's not just Venezuela, what happened to Australia's gold?
Australia’s gold at the Bank of England – Extended Q & A
RBA bosses squirm as Aussie politicians throw easy questions about RBA gold in London
What Happened To Australia’s Gold?
Central banks are buying the most gold since the end of the Second World War - here's why
ऑटो सेक्टर :-
New car sales down 14.1% in February
Tata Motors' global sales down 9% in February
EU readies anti-cartel fines of up to €1bn each for German car giants
Germany fines BMW 8.5 mn euros over diesel emissions
VW fined ₹500 crore for violating diesel emissions norms in India
German Car Giants Face Multibillion Fines For Suspected Collusion - Reports
After 52 years, Lordstown must face life after GM
53 years, 23 cars: General Motors' history in Lordstown
GM's Lordstown factory goes dark as automaker idles underused plants
Closure of General Motors’ Lordstown plant was not inevitable. It resulted from GM’s own mismanagement and flawed public policies: Susan Helper (Opinion)
Carmakers Get No Relief in China as Auto Sales Keep Plunging
China’s car slump has manufacturers and dealers slashing prices
इतर :-
U.S. National Debt Soars to a Record $22 Trillion: Chart
U.S. national debt tops $22 trillion for the first time
National debt tops $22 trillion for the first time as experts warn of ripple effects
National debt passes $22 trillion for first time in history
Red flags emerge as Americans' debt load hits another record
Debt guarantee tangle: China's private firms hit by default contagion
In sensitive year for China, warnings against ‘erroneous thoughts’
Atlanta Fed: US GDPNow estimate for Q1-2019 at 0.3%
Family Dollar was once considered “Amazon-proof.” Now it’s closing hundreds of stores.
Chinese Stocks Plunge and It All Started With a Single Downgrade
Shanghai stocks plummet more than 4%: 'China's trade recession has started to emerge'
U.S. Credit Card Debt Closed 2018 at a Record $870 Billion
The Retail Apocalypse Is Heating Up in 2019. Here Are the Major Stores Currently on Deathwatch
The Bomb That Blew Up in 2008? We’re Planting Another One
Markets Finally Start Acknowledging Reality
Deutsche Bank lost $1.6 billion on a single trade involving Warren Buffett, WSJ says
Retail sales were so bad, it's either suspect data or a recession warning
Get Ready For Negative Interest Rates When Next Recession Hits
EU CRISIS: France panics over Italy recession 'this will weigh on us’
Corporate Debt Rattles (Some) Economists’ Nerves
The current size of the BBB-grade (near junk) corporate bond market is now at the highest level it’s ever been
Nirmala sitharaman-led panel approves purchase of defence equipment worth Rs 2,700 cr
जाता जाता :-
More than 7 million Americans are at least 90 days behind on their auto loans, according to the New York Fed.
A recession indicator with a perfect track record over 70 years is close to being triggered
Lok Sabha Election Dates Live Updates: Election to be held in 7 phases, results to be declared on May 23
आजची स्वाक्षरी :- Indian Army firing Artillery on pakistan borders (massive destruction)
24 Mar 2019 - 9:05 pm | मदनबाण
Turkey Enters Recession, a Blow for Erdogan as Elections Near
Challenges ahead for Turkey as economy slides into recession
Turkish lira tumbles in echoes of last year's meltdown
इतर अपडेट्स :-
India housing market to cool despite government support: Reuters poll
Europe is so weak it can’t even handle 0% interest rates
VW slashes 7,000 jobs to refocus on electric cars
Skill gaps impeding Indians' prospects in tech jobs: IBM chief
U.S. and India commit to building six nuclear power plants
भांडवलशाहीपुढे अस्तित्वाचे संकट – राजन
U.S. deaths from alcohol, drugs and suicide hit highest level since record-keeping began
The Retail Apocalypse Is Heating Up in 2019. Here Are the Major Stores Currently on Deathwatch
A new study shows America’s drug overdose crisis is by far the worst among wealthy countries
The Layoff: How SAP Is Destroying Itself
Another round of job loss looms for mid-level IT employees
Economists raise concerns over India's slowdown with RBI chief: sources
The bond market is flashing its biggest recession sign since before the financial crisis
Stocks log worst day in over 2 ½ months as bond market flashes recession warning
Stocks Fall as Bond Market Flashes a Recession Warning
Stock Indexes Drop As Bond Market Flashes Recession Warning
A growing list of companies from FedEx to BMW are warning about the world economy
A growing list of companies from FedEx to BMW are warning about the world economy
US Treasury yield curve inverts for first time since 2007
Treasuries Buying Wave Triggers First Curve Inversion Since 2007
More than 5,800 stores are closing in 2019 as the retail apocalypse drags on — here's the full list
Explainer - What is an inverted yield curve?
U.S. runs largest monthly budget deficit on record in February
S&P 500 could fall 40% as yield curve inverts, says analyst of one of 2018’s best hedge-fund returns
गोल्ड न्यूज :-
RBI may soon become world's 10th largest holder of gold
Russian Central Bank Buys Another Million Ounces Of Gold In February
Google Pay set to launch gold as an investment plan on its platform
Conditions suitable for gold to see a big jump; add it to your portfolio
Asian gold: More than £140m stolen in UK in last five years
Russian Gold Stockpile Grows as Analysts Warn of Global Recession
वरील व्हिडीयोत एकच चूक आहे ती म्हणजे U.S. National debt $21 trillion नसुन $22 trillion आहे.
2 Jun 2019 - 11:15 am | मदनबाण
सध्या जालावर Deutsche Bank ची बरीच चर्चा आहे ! त्याला कारणही तसेच आहे... २०१६ च्या आयएमच्या रिपोर्ट नुसार जागतिक पातळीवर पद्धतशीरपणे महत्त्वपूर्ण असलेली ही बँक मोठ्या वित्तीय व्यवस्थेस मोठी संभाव्य जोखीम / धोका निर्माण करण्याची क्षमता ठेवून आहे आणि या बँकेचा शेअर आजच्या घडीला 6.09 EUR इतक्या खालच्या दराला पोहचला आहे ! फायनॅनशिअल टाईम्सच्या बँकिंग संवाददाता Olaf Storbeck यांनी हलीच झालेल्या शेअर होल्डरच्या मिटींग मध्ये उल्लेखलेले वाक्य टिवट केले :- "share price below the price of a pack of cigarettes"

मध्यंतरी Deutsche Bank आणि Commerzbank यांच्या मर्जरच्या बातम्या आल्या होत्या... पण तसे झाले नाही आणि आता Deutsche Bank आणि UBS यांच्या मर्जरच्या बातम्या सुरु आहेत.
स्पायडर वेब सारख्या भासणार्या या बँकेचे ६ महत्वपूर्ण चीनच्या बँक्स, ८ अमेरिकन महत्वपूर्ण बँक्स आणि १४ युरोपियन महत्वपूर्ण बँक्स यांच्या बरोबर असलेला इंटरकनेक्टेडनेस वरील चित्रात स्पस्ट दिसुन येतो. हे वर दिलेले चित्र आयएमच्या MF Country Report No.16/191 या रिपोर्ट मध्ये पहावयास मिळेल.
Deutsche Bank आणि Lehman Bros यांचा एक जुना चार्ट जालावर पहायला मिळाला होता :-
प्रश्न :- Deutsche Bank ही लेहमन २.० मोमेंट ठरेल का ?
yield curve अपडेट :-
A closely followed recession indicator just flashed red for the 2nd time this year
This ‘Adjusted’ Yield Curve Indicates A Recession May Come Early
The 'three most dangerous words' on Wall Street keep coming up. Even stock-market bulls are worried.
History Tells Us Why The Fed Should Take The Inverted Yield Curve Seriously
Canada’s Yield Curve Inverts Most in 12 Years on Trump Tariffs
Recession Talk Returns: Why Economists Are Freaking Out About Bonds
Global Yield Curves Blare Louder Alarms About Economic Prospects
Prolonged inversion in U.S. bond yield curve seen as China releases PMI
Recession ahead? A reliable warning light is blinking ‘yes’
जाता जाता :- आपल्या लोकसभा निवडणुका ७ टप्प्यात झाल्या, मोदी यांनी संध्याकाळी ७ वाजता दुसर्यांदा पंतप्रधान पदाची शपथ घेतली, येत्या ७ जुन ला युकेच्या पंतप्रधान थेरेसा मे पदत्याग करतील.
आजची स्वाक्षरी :- तू शायर है मैं तेरी शायरी, तू आशिक़ है मैं तेरी आशिकी... :- Saajan
7 Jul 2019 - 2:27 pm | मदनबाण
ले-ऑफ / जॉब कट :-
Cognizant to offer voluntary separation to 300 top executives
Germany's Siemens to cut 2,700 jobs
BASF Plans to Cut 6,000 Jobs as Demand for Chemicals Slows
Ford to cut 12,000 jobs in Europe amid struggling car market
Ford Says To Slash 12,000 Jobs In All Across Europe
U.S. Beer Industry Blames Trump Tariffs for 40,000 Job Losses
Boots could close up to 200 stores, leading to hundreds of job losses
Bank Of Baroda Will Close Down/Rationalize 800-900 Branches; Will There Be Job Cuts Now?
चीन :-
China’s Baoshang Bank takeover raises contagion fears
China's Baoshang Bank takeover raises contagion fears
China’s First Bank Seizure in 20 Years Sets Investors on Edge
There are 3 reasons China just took over a bank for the first time in 20 years, and 2 of them are a huge deal
Chinese State Media’s Rare Correction Reveals Panic as China’s Banks Face Trouble
China’s banks face cash crunch fears after authorities seize lender
China’s Lehman Moment Is Drawing Closer
Chinese regulators will restructure Baoshang Bank as soon as possible
China Think Tank Warns of Potential ‘Financial Panic’ in Leaked Note
PBOC Pumps in More Cash After Baoshang Seizure Spooks Market
PBOC Adds Liquidity as Bank Seizure Ratchets Up Stress
After Baoshang rescue, China central bank pours cash into banking system
Chinese State Media’s Rare Correction Reveals Panic as China’s Banks Face Trouble
Bank in trouble as auditor quits
Chinese bank may face U.S. action in North Korean sanctions probe: Washington Post
China bank stocks fall on possible US action linked to North Korea
Chinese bank involved in probe on North Korean sanctions and money laundering faces financial ‘death penalty’
Explained: The reason why China needs its shadow banks now more than ever
China’s banks face cash crunch fears after authorities seize lender
Baoshang Bank collapse threatens China's economy and may trigger central bank response
इतर :-
Shadow banking crisis to continue to haunt India’s financial system
Nexus in Lutyens: Meet the Forces that Conspire Against India
Morgan Stanley Says U.S. Yield Curve Now Clearly Spells Downturn
Morgan Stanley says economy is on 'recession watch' as bond market flashes warning
Treasury yield curve slides further into inversion territory, heightening recession fears
Credit Market ‘Probably the Riskiest Ever,’ Pimco's Mather Says
Recession Talk Returns: Why Economists Are Freaking Out About Bonds
History Tells Us Why The Fed Should Take The Inverted Yield Curve Seriously
The Bond Market Is Trying to Tell Us Something (Worry)
Canada’s Yield Curve Inverts Most in 12 Years on Trump Tariffs
Canadian yield curve inverts dramatically after new U.S. tariffs: report
GDP data at five-year low mirrors all that is wrong in Indian economy; Narendra Modi's new govt must take note
India loses place as world's fastest-growing economy
Donald Trump terminates preferential trade status for India under GSP
अर्थव्यवस्थेला घेरी..
Star investor Neil Woodford suspends flagship fund after client exodus
Top stockpicker Neil Woodford suspends flagship fund
What went wrong for Woodford and why it matters
Happy 10th birthday to the economic expansion. Don’t count on an 11th.
The unusual US economic recovery is now its longest
Italy economy heading for ‘disaster’ if it follows through with ‘parallel currency’
Italy's finance minister plays down the idea of a parallel currency
The Mini-BOT: The One Weird Trick for Leaving the Euro That Shows Why Countries Can’t Leave the Euro
Italy will stick to 'mini-BOT' plan unless someone has a better idea: Salvini
'Troubled past': Facebook pressured to put cryptocurrency plans on hold
Beware! Exotic funds are a $40 billion time bomb ticking on D-Street
RBI Deputy Governor Viral Acharya quits six months before his term ends
Natixis’s H2O Lost $3.4 Billion in Three Days of Carnage
H20 fund sells bonds after liquidity crunch prompts investors to pull their money
Natixis' H2O funds haemorrhage 5.6 billion euros as crisis deepens
Rs 7,009 Crore PF Money Invested in IL&FS Group, Ministry of Corporate Affairs Tells Parliament
DHFL partially defaults on CP repayment of ₹375 crore
DHFL defaults again on commercial papers repayment
Best Recession Indicator Flashed Red – What it means for Gold, S&P 500, & Copper?
RBI says foreign firms can process abroad, but must store data in India
There’s a Global Market Slump Ahead, Elliott's Paul Singer Says
The co-founder and chief executive officer of Elliott Management Corp. estimated that there will be a market correction of 30% to 40% when the downturn hits. He said he couldn’t predict the timing.
Fearful of an economic slowdown, Americans are losing sleep over their finances
Millions of American believe it can’t last for much longer and fear a downturn is coming: 40% of people in a separate poll by that site say they feel the next recession has already begun or will begin within the next 12 months. These worries, however, are divided along political lines. Democratic Americans are almost twice as likely as Republican Americans to believe it’s already begun.
Singapore Heading for Recession Next Quarter, Maybank Says
US manufacturers are flashing more warning signs all the time — and experts are getting increasingly worried about a possible recession
US: Manufacturing on the path to recession – ING
The US economy has a 1-in-3 chance of suffering 'total organ failure' within a year, report finds
80% of the stock market is now on autopilot
U.S. Is Heading to a Future of Zero Interest Rates Forever
देशात पीएनबीपेक्षाही मोठा 14 हजार 500 कोटींचा घोटाळा – इडी
This is now the longest US economic expansion in history
The economic expansion just hit a record for the longest ever
US economy marks longest expansion in American history
US breaks record for longest economic expansion
Can the longest economic expansion in U.S. history last?
Lack of timely action, government response stoked India's bad loan woes: ex-RBI governor
[ विरोधाभास ]
The Dow just logged its best June return in more than 80 years
The S&P 500 Just Had Its Best June Since 1955
गोल्ड :-
Will Basel III Send Gold to the Moon, Report 2 Apr
Commentators have been claiming that under Basel III regulations gold will soon be a “tier 1 asset”
Basel III And Gold: Rocket Fuel Added For Gold's Next Takeoff
Gold will become a Tier 1 asset valued at 100% for banks. That means that gold will be counted as a much more valuable asset held by banks against which they can make more loans.
‘Gold belongs to the people, not bankers’: Italian govt moves to seize reserves from central bank
Down the yellow brick road: China buying gold & dumping dollar assets as trade war with US escalates
Preparing for dollar doomsday? Russia adds 6 more tons of gold to its coffers in May
'Gold Rush': US-Iran Confrontation Sends Gold Prices to 6-Year High
सोन्याच्या दरात विक्रमी वाढ; २० वर्षांपूर्वीचा विक्रम मोडीत
India hikes taxes on gold for first time in six years
द बिग स्टोअरी ऑफ Deutsche Bank :-
Deutsche Bank former CEO Jain under probe for dividend tax-stripping: Report
Deutsche Bank Rating Cut by Fitch as Instability Sows Doubts
Inspired by Deutsche Bank Death Spiral, European Banks Sink to Dec 24, 2018 Level – First Seen in 1995
Deutsche Bank's Impending Auf Wiedersehen Will Hurt Americans
Will Lehman Brothers Bankruptcy Seem a Childish Prank, Compared to the Future Fate of Deutsche Bank?
Deutsche Bank considering up to 20,000 job cuts, WSJ reports
Exit of Deutsche Bank's investment bank chief marks end of era
Deutsche Bank to axe investment bankers in up to $5.6 billion revamp
Deutsche Bank's investment banking chief steps down
RenTech Has Been Pulling Money From Deutsche Bank for Months
"There could be Lehman Brothers scenes outside Deutsche Bank on Monday"
जाता जाता :- सध्या चालू असलेल्या क्रिकेट विश्वचषक स्पर्धेत आपण पाकड्यांचा पराभव केला, हा आपण त्यांच्या सलग केलेला ७ वा पराभव होता.
आजची स्वाक्षरी :- #Breathless #ShankarMahadevan #VeenaSrivani
12 Jul 2019 - 11:05 pm | मदनबाण
७ व्या महिन्याच्या ७ तारखेला रविवारी डॉइश बँकेने स्ट्रॅटिजिक ट्रन्स्न्फॉरमेशन आणि रिस्ट्रक्चरिंग प्लान जाहिर करुन त्यांच्या १८००० कर्मचार्यांना नारळ द्यायचे जाहिर केले !
ऑस्ट्रेलिया, हाँगकाँग, हिंदुस्थान, युके, अमेरिका येथे असलेल्या बँक कर्मचार्यांचे जॉब आत्ता पर्यंत गेलेल्याच्या बातम्या मेनस्ट्रिम मिडियात आलेल्या आहेत.

२००८ लेहमन ब्रदर्स
डॉइश बँक २०१९
माझ्या वाचना नुसार इतक्या मोठ्या प्रमाणात बँक कर्मचार्यांना लेहमन ब्रदर्स नंतरच काढले गेले आहे !
ताजा झटका :-
इतर दॄष्टीकोन :-
मोठा विनोद :- Deutsche Bank CEO to invest 25% of fixed salary in bank's shares: source
जाता जाता :- आधीच्या प्रतिसादातील शेवटी दिलेला डॉमिनो व्हिडियो हे सुचवतो कि पहिला डॉमिनो आता ट्रिगर झाला आहे, आता याचे पडसाद ग्लोबल फायनॅशिअल मार्केट मध्ये कसे उमटत आणि पसरत जातील ते पहायचे.
आजची स्वाक्षरी :- जागो मोहन प्यारे... :- Arati Mukherjee RS
14 Aug 2019 - 11:23 pm | मदनबाण
Photos Show Armored Chinese Military Vehicles Near Hong Kong Border
जाता जाता :- आजचा २४ कॅरेट १० ग्रॅम सोन्याचा मुंबई मधील भाव :- ३८,७६०
आजची स्वाक्षरी :- ये दुनिया उट पटांगा, किथ हात ते किथ्थे टांगा, रात कुकडी देन्दी बांगा, ऐ दे चकदे फट्टे... :- Khosla Ka Ghosla
1 Sep 2019 - 11:52 am | मदनबाण
America is insolvent, broke, deep into the red
According to U.S. Department of the Treasury, as of the end of 2018, the federal government had a combined total of $95,410,000,000,000 in unfunded obligations, liabilities, and debts. Just in case you lost your place counting all of those zeros, that is $95.4 trillion.
ले-ऑफ :-
UniCredit Weighs Thousands of Job Cuts in Mustier's New Plan
UniCredit could cut around 10,000 jobs under new plan: sources
Nissan is reportedly set to cut more than 10,000 jobs worldwide
Slumping Nissan to slash more than 10,000 jobs worldwide
GNC plans to close up to 900 stores with a focus on mall locations
GNC Closing Nearly 1,000 Stores
मंदी नोकरीच्या मुळावर
Citi to Cut Hundreds of Trading Jobs in Bad Wall Street Omen
At least 2,500 truck drivers have lost their jobs in 2019 as the transportation 'bloodbath' unfolds - here's the full list of bankrupt trucking companies
Nissan Motor to fire 1,700 staff in India
Startup Layoffs On The Rise: Shopclues, Rivigo And Other Startups That Downsized In 2019
Lowe's to lay off thousands of workers
HSBC announces up to 4,700 job cuts
मंदीचा विळखा: ३० स्टील कंपन्यांना लागले टाळे, टाटा मोटर्स ने उत्पादन थांबवले.
मारुती सुझुकीलाही मंदीचा विळखा: १००० कर्मचार्यांची कपात
Auto sector crisis deepens: Around two lakh jobs cut in last 3 months
Tens of thousands losing jobs as Indian auto industry's crisis deepens : sources
वाहनक्षेत्रातील मंदीमुळे लाखो भारतीय झाले बेरोजगार
About 350,000 laid off since April as automobile crisis deepens: Report
Tens of thousands losing jobs as Indian auto industry's crisis deepens : sources
Zomato fires 70-100 employees on pretext of operational efficiency
IL&FS cuts 43% staff since Oct for cost cutting, helps reduce wage bill by 47%
Cognizant plans another round of layoffs to slash costs, says report
Cognizant job cuts: IT company likely to cut more jobs; defers campus hirings
नोकऱ्यांवर गदा! इंजिनीअर होण्याची स्वप्न बघणाऱ्यांनी आधी हे वाचा
Cisco lays off some employees in India
Over 3,000 temporary jobs cut due to slowdown: Maruti Suzuki
Two lakh jobs cut in last 3 months across automobile dealerships: FADA
देशाची अर्थव्यवस्था चिंताजनकः १.१० कोटी व्यक्तींचा गेला रोजगार
मारुती नंतर आता महिंद्रांची वेळ १५०० कर्मचार्यांना कामावरुन काढले.
BNP Paribas to cut around 500 posts at securities services arm in France
Economy in crisis: Over 3 cr people face job loss in textile industry, representative body blames tax regimen
Amid auto slump, components sector sees 8-10 lakh job cuts
A third of India’s textile workers — 30 million— lost their jobs and more could go
आर्थिक मंदीच्या झळा; मारुती सुझुकीने केली ३००० कंत्राटी कामगारांची कपात
गोल्ड :-
Gold Wins In a Currency War – Deutsche Bank
Gold Price Soars to New High Above $1,500 per Ounce
Why are gold prices rising?
Goldman Sees Gold Prices Climbing to $1,600
Gold prices surge over ₹1,000 in a day, hit record highs
Analysts see gold price hitting Rs 40,000 per 10 g by the end of the year
China bought gold for the 8th straight month — and it's just the latest sign the nation is in the trade war for the long haul
सोन्याचा दर ४० हजारांवर जाण्याची शक्यता
‘अब की बार’ ४० हजारांपार ? सोन्याने गाठला विक्रमी उच्चांक
UBS Says It’s Staying Long Gold as Price Now Destined for $1,600
इतर :-
Indian gov't panel seeks total ban on private cryptocurrencies, up to 10 years in jail for abusers
Deutsche Bank just posted its biggest loss since 2008 after taking a $3.8 billion charge to overhaul the bank (DB)
‘रिलायन्स नेव्हल’हीदिवाळखोरीच्या मार्गावर
Deutsche Bank reportedly just lost $20 billion in balances to one of its rivals (DB)
Subramanian Swamy sees Rs 1 lk cr fraud by Indiabulls
ड्यूश बैंक का किला ढहने के कगार पर, घोटालों ने तोड़ी कमर, हर दिन करीब एक अरब डॉलर का निवेश वापस
मंदी से ट्रक मालिकों पर डिफॉल्टर होने का खतरा, बैंकों और NBFC से लगाई गुहार
Digging Deeper | Crisis in the Indian auto industry?
Auto parts industry fears 1 million jobs could be at stake due to slowdown
How the Fed and Jerome Powell sent ‘a bit of a shock wave’ through financial markets
A major crisis may be brewing for Indian banks
India tumbles out of $2 trillion m-cap club as FPIs exit
How the NBFC crisis sent India's automobile sector into a tailspin
Nomura: A second market sell-off could be 'Lehman-like'
'Lehman-Like' Market Collapse Could Be Next: Nomura
Does the inverted yield curve mean a US recession is coming?
Yield Curve Blares Loudest U.S. Recession Warning Since 2007
Reliance liabilities jump to $65 billion, Credit Suisse waves red flag
Mahindra warns of job losses in auto sector, seeks government help
Maruti cuts production by 25% for the sixth consecutive month in July
This rebound is a 'bump in the road on the way down,' says strategist predicting 'Lehman-like' drop
Recession fears grow as UK economy shrinks on back of Brexit chaos
Three of Europe's biggest economies are probably in recession — and the ECB is out of bullets
The market's favorite recession indicator just flashed its starkest warning since 2007
Salvini could take Italy out of EU, former PM warns
Next Recession All On Fed, Not China Trade War
Reliance Capital plans to file Rs 10,000 crore defamation suit against PwC
July auto slump worst in 20 years
Global economy inching towards recession: Morgan Stanley
Argentina's 48% Stock Rout Second-Biggest in Past 70 Years
Argentina's massive stock market and currency sell-off triggers risk of contagion, analysts warn
Argentina's peso falls 15% after surprise election results spook investors
Explainer: Countdown to recession - What an inverted yield curve means
UPDATE 2-India's passenger vehicle sales drop at steepest pace in nearly two decades
Slowdown Blues: India's passenger vehicles sales drop 31% in July; record 9th straight dip
Watch: Key indicators that suggest we are well into an economic slowdown
LIC-owned IDBI Bank is continuing to struggle with its load of bad loans
U.S. curve inverts for first time in 12 years; 30-year yield tumbles
Brief warning: Innerwear sales reveal a slowdown
German banks are in a much worse position than the rest of Europe, Citi analyst says
The bombshell report accusing GE of 'Enronesque' fraud is just the latest in the company's long history of accounting controversies
Franklin Templeton fund manager loses $1.8 billion in one day on Argentina bets: Financial Times
Argentina Slammed by Double Downgrade at End of Traumatic Week
Argentina slammed by double downgrade at end of traumatic week
Argentina hit by Fitch downgrade to 'CCC' from 'B'
अर्थव्यवस्थेपुढे गंभीर आव्हाने ; ‘गोल्डमन सॅक्स’कडून संकटांचा पाढा
If things don't improve, more job losses likely at dealer and supplier end: Pawan Goenka
BT Buzz: Jobs outlook dampens across industries as slowdown bites
Tata Steel CEO says slowdown in auto industry has impacted steel sector
A global recession may be coming a lot sooner than anyone thought
अमेरिकेत पुन्हा मंदीची भीती
Forget cars, Indian consumers are wary of buying a ₹5 biscuit packet
'अफू' उतरू लागली
वर्षभरात मोठी मंदी?
Recharge The Economy; Slowdown Threatens The $5 Trillion Vision
Bonds signal growing global distress as key yield curve flips
Kyle Bass says US interest rates will follow the rest of the world to zero — 'This is insane'
Kyle Bass on where the global economy is headed: ‘This is insane’
San Francisco homeless stats soar: city blames big business, residents blame officials
Downturn deciphered: Biscuits, briefs, bikes, booze and the breakdown
Slowdown bites textile sector, industry body urges govt to prevent job losses
Massive job losses reveal India is failing to reap its demographic dividend
७० वर्षांत अर्थव्यवस्था सर्वात वाईट स्थितीत: राजीव
Morgan Stanley: Risk of a global recession is ‘high and rising’
UK Central Bank Chief Sees Digital Currency Displacing US Dollar as Global Reserve
Mark Carney: dollar is too dominant and could be replaced by digital currency
Bank of England Governor: Libra-Like Currency Could Replace US Dollar
Members of Facebook's 'Crypto Mafia' Reportedly Getting Cold Feet About Libra Currency
Bombay High Court orders FIR against Sharad Pawar in bank scam case
1000 करोड़ रुपए का बैंक घोटाला: शरद पवार, 70 अन्य के खिलाफ FIR दर्ज करने का आदेश
नाशकात 'बॉश' आणि पिंपरीत 'टाटा मोटर्स'ला आर्थिक मंदीचा फटका, कामगारांची चिंता वाढली
बँक घोटाळा: अजित पवारांवर गुन्हा, शरद पवार गोत्यात?
बॉशमध्ये ‘काम’बंद!
U.S. yield inversion deepens, stokes recession fears
Echoes of 1930s in trade-cum-currency war
The Next Recession Will Destroy Millennials
Moody’s sends Yes Bank deeper into ‘junk’
पांच से 20 लाख तक कमाने वालों को इनकम टैक्स में मिले भारी छूट- मोदी सरकार से पैनल की सिफारिश
Indian Economy को फिर लगेगा तगड़ा झटका, लौट सकता है लोन डूबने का दौर?
Deutsche Bank Becomes Government Headache as Economy Tanks
Indian economic slowdown drags: Experts say only big bang reforms will help
Renault India sales volume hit by slowdown in automobile industry
बँक घोटाळ्यांमध्ये ७१,५४३ कोटी फस्त
चीन :-
Regulators in China discuss liquidity issues at Bank of Jinzhou - sources
China Bank of Jinzhou says in talks with possible investors, renewing contagion worry
China's Embattled Jinzhou Bank Courts Investors as Bonds Tumble
‘Hong Kong facing worst crisis since 1997’
Unit of China’s sovereign wealth fund takes over Xiao Jianhua-linked HengFeng Bank in third case of nationalisation since May
China to Buy Stake in Another Troubled Regional Bank: Report
Unit of China’s sovereign wealth fund takes over Xiao Jianhua-linked HengFeng Bank in third case of nationalisation since May
Trump administration plans $8 billion fighter jet sale to Taiwan, angering China
Taiwan may withdraw capital from Hong Kong in bank run scenario
DOJ Seeks to Block Los Angeles-Hong Kong Internet Cable Over ‘National Security Concerns’
US 30-year bond yield falls to record low under 2% as global recession fears grow
बिग न्यूज :-
The World’s Largest Wealth Manager Just Turned Bearish on Stocks
Insiders are selling stock like it's 2007
Corporate insiders have sold an average of $600 million of stock per day in August, according to TrimTabs Investment Research, which tracks stock market liquidity.
August is on track to be the fifth month of the year in which insider selling tops $10 billion. The only other times that has happened was 2006 and 2007, the period before the last bear market in stocks, TrimTabs said.
New recession warning: The rich aren't spending
Maybe Warren Buffett Is Warning Us About Something
Here's why Warren Buffett's record $122 billion cash pile could be a worrying sign for stock markets
Berkshire's cash pile is worth nearly 60% of its $208 billion portfolio of public companies. In the past 32 years, the group held more cash as a percentage of its portfolio only in the years leading up to the financial crisis of 2008
Déjà vu :-
20 Oct 2015 - 10:10 am
जसा वेळ मिळेल तसे मी जालावर मागच्या वेळी रिसेशनच्या काळात घडलेल्या घटना आणि तश्याच घटना पुन्हा घडताना दिसत आहेत का ? आहेत तर त्या कोणत्या ? या बद्धल अधिक वाचण्याचे /शोधण्याचा कष्ट घेत आहे.
२००८ - २००९ रिसेशनचा फटका :- स्थळ :- सुरत :- गुजरात / इंडस्ट्री :- डायमंड
२०१९ :-
About 15% job loss in Gujarat diamond hub
Surat diamond industry fears 2nd recession in a decade
Nearly 60,000 diamond workers are currently jobless across Gujarat, of which 13,000 are from Surat. After Diwali in 2017, many of the diamond industries ceased operating and around 40 per cent of them remained shut even after the vacation. In 2018, around 750 artisans were sacked. According to Gujarat Diamond Workers Union, more than 10 artisans committed suicide after they lost their jobs in 2018.
जाता जाता :- The crisis takes a much longer time coming than you think, and then it happens much faster than you would have thought. :- Rudiger Dornbusch
आजची स्वाक्षरी :- ढोल ढोल ढोल घुमु लागला... :- Me Yetoy….Chota Pudhari
1 Sep 2019 - 2:31 pm | जॉनविक्क
1 Sep 2019 - 5:29 pm | मदनबाण
रिसेशन की डिप्रेशन
वरती बिग न्यूज मध्ये २ महत्वाच्या बातम्या आहेत,
१} वॉरन बफेट मोठ्या कॅशवर बसुन आहेत आणि ते आधी असे आधी कधी घडले होते.
२} ६०० मिलियन पर डे ने इनसायडर सेलिंग चालु आहे.
मी जालावर वेगवेगळी माहिती शोधत असताना मला गेल्या 6 महिन्यात 7 कंपन्यां मध्ये किती ,कोणी आणि बाय-सेल स्टोक्स मध्ये केले याचा डेटा फिल्टर आउट करता आला.
ज्या सात कंपन्यांचा डेटा मी फिल्टर केला त्या खालील प्रमाणे आहेत :-
१) अमेझॉन
२) ऍपल
3) ओरॅकल
४) फेसबुक
5) नेटफलिक्स
6) एएमडी
7) फेडेक्स
या सर्व कंपन्याचा गेल्या ६ महिन्यातील इनसायडर बाइंग आणि सेलिंगचा डेटा मी पाहिला.
एक गोष्ट अगदी स्पष्ट करतो, जरुरी नाही की कंपनीतील उच्च अधिकाऱ्यांनी शेअर्स विकले याचा अर्थ = क्रॅश. ते वेग वेगळ्या कारणासाठी सुद्धा असे करू शकतात, अगदी स्वतःची लॅव्हीश लाईफ स्टाईल मेंटेन करण्यासाठी सुद्धा असे केले जाऊ शकते.
मात्र ओव्हरऑल पटर्न पाहता असे दिसते की क्रॅश येणार आहे याची पूर्ण खात्री या वरील 7 कंपन्यांना झाली आहे.कारण त्यांचा एकंदर डेटा अनेलिसिस केल्यास परचेसिंग व्हॅल्यू पेक्षा सेलिंग व्हॅल्यू अधिक आहे असे दिसले, तसेच काहींनी अजिबात परचेसिंग न करता फक्त सेलच करत आहेत.
या डेटात 3 क्रिटिकल पर्सेनेलिटीज आहेत,
१) अमेझॉन चे जेफरी बेझोस
२) ऍपल चे टीम कुक
३) फेसबुक चा झुकरबर्ग
याच प्रमाणे जर्मनीतील डॉइश बँक मध्ये १ बिलियन पर डे या वेगाने आउट फ्लो सुरु आहे आणि Barclays ने त्यांच्या हेजफंड बिझनेस मधे डॉइश बँकचे २० बिलियनला स्वतःकडे वळवण्यात यश मिळवले आहे अशी बातमी होती.
यावरुन सध्या ६.५७ शेअर भाव असणारी, डॉइश बँकची मेल्टडाउन पोझिशन पाहतो आहोत असे मला वाटते.
आत्ता पर्यंतचा सगळा डेटा पाहिल्यास ग्लोबल स्लो डाउन,ग्लोबल ऑटो स्लो डाउन, ले-ऑफ / जॉब लॉस, स्टोअर क्लोजर , इं इं इं समोर येते आणि आपण ऑलरेडी रिसेशन मध्ये आहोत असे माझे व्यक्तिगत मत आहे.
डिप्रेशन बद्धल म्हणायचे झाले तर मला माहित नाही, येणारा काळच बहुधा याचे उत्तर देइल.
आजची स्वाक्षरी :- ढोल ढोल ढोल घुमु लागला... :- Me Yetoy….Chota Pudhari
2 Sep 2019 - 10:48 pm | सुखी
हा धागा ब्राऊझर ला पिन करून ठेवण्यासारख आहे...
तुमचं analysis sangat Raha asech...
सुखी (अजून तरी)
22 Sep 2019 - 8:40 pm | मदनबाण
फेड इन ट्रबल :-
Fed may need radical measures to protect US economy from next downturn
Wall Street raises questions about Fed’s late action on funding squeeze
Fed announces plans to carry out repo operation for second straight day
Fed’s First-in-a-Decade Intervention Will Be Repeated Wednesday
Fed runs repo Tuesday amid worries about keeping its benchmark rate in check
Fed Preps Second $75 Billion Blast With Repo Market Still On Edge
Fed Jumps Into Market to Push Down Rates, a First Since the Financial Crisis
An Unusual Rise in Interest Rates Roils a Crucial Financial Market
Fed Preps Second $75 Billion Blast With Repo Market Still On Edge
A crack just emerged in the financial markets: The NY Fed spends $53 billion to rescue the overnight lending market
For a second day, the New York Fed spent billions to calm the financial market
Market correction could hit once Wall Street realizes fewer rate cuts are coming, Blackstone warns
Why is the NY Fed pumping billions into the money market?
Fed Cuts Interest Rates by Another Quarter Point
For a second day, the New York Fed spent billions to calm the financial market
The Fed on Wednesday poured another $75 billion into the market following a $53 billion rescue by the NY Fed on Tuesday. Overnight lending rates have suddenly spiked, and the Fed is acting to bring them back down to keep markets functioning smoothly.Until this week, the Fed hadn't launched an operation like this since 2008.
Opinion: In a time of Trump, the Fed doesn’t know what’s going to happen next
Here are 5 things to know about the recent repo market operations
The Fed pumps another $75 billion into markets - its 3rd straight daily injection
Fed completes 3rd straight repo auction to avoid short-term rate surge
Leon Cooperman says the Fed made a mistake cutting rates: 'You're screwing the savers'
The Fed pumps another $75 billion into markets and says more cash is on the way
Fed Injects Cash for Fourth Day as Funding Markets Stabilize
आपण :-
After opening world's biggest factory, Samsung now plans to stop TV manufacturing in India
Ashok Leyland truck sales drops 70% in Aug; total M&HCV sales slide 63%
Slowdown Blues: Car sales crash 29% in August; all eyes on Sep 20 GST meet
From Maruti Suzuki to Tata Motors, auto sales see steep fall in August
Mahindra & Mahindra's August auto sales drop 25% to 36,085 units
Maruti reports 33% drop in August sales at 1,06,413 units
Why Narendra Modi government must acknowledge the economic slowdown. Now.
Maruti to halt production at Gurugram, Manesar plants for two days
अपरिहार्य स्थित्यंतर
Economic slowdown fallout: Realty major Lodha group lays off 400 employees
Macrotech Developers lays off up to 400 staff amid mounting debt
Car crash hits economy, pain spreads to rural India
As India's Economy Suffers a Car Crash, Pain Spreads to Villages
10 companies that reportedly laid off employees in India in 2019
Laid-Off Employees Deep In Debt As Slowdown Hits Tamil Nadu Auto Hub
How the American dream is souring for many Indian IT workers
[ अमेरिकन ड्रिम हे आता अमेरिकन जनतेलाही न पडणारे स्वप्न ठरले असावे ! ]
Indians spend 7% of their day getting to their office
All major economies are experiencing a slowdown, says chairman of TVS Motor
नव्या मुंबईत जुने उद्योग डबघाईला
Cognizant CEO plans surgical strike with job cuts by October
World's Worst Bad-Loan Mess Set to Worsen on India's Cash Crunch
Cash crunch will worsen India’s bad loans mess, already the worst in the world
Why in India, 6% Economic Growth Is Cause for Alarm
बैंको का विलय :- PNB, UBI, OBC के हैं ग्राहक तो पढ लिजिए ये खबर, अकाउंट से लेकर इन सेवाओं पर पडेगा असर
ऑटोमोबाइल सेक्टर को राहत देने में मोदी सरकार को लगेगी ३०,००० करोड की चपत !
It's official: Cognizant CEO announces job cuts by October end
Zomato Lays off 541 Employees Month After Firing 60, Says Technology Made Many Jobs 'Redundant'
Zomato Lays Off 541 Employees, Points to Automation
Auto Crisis: Passenger Vehicle Sales See Worst Ever Monthly Drop Since 1997-98
Auto Crisis: Two-Wheeler Sales Slip 22 Per Cent In August 2019
Automobile sales in India see the worst-ever fall in 21 years
At Rs 3,960 crore, losses mount 165% for Paytm parent One97
Jewellery industry hit by recession, job losses likely: Shaankar Sen
India’s Jewellery Industry Is Witnessing Recession, Job Losses Likely, Says Industry Body
Muthoot में संकट: दिग्गज गोल्ड लोन कंपनी बंद करने जा रही अपनी 350 शाखाएं!
Muthoot Finance to shut down 43 branches
बँकांमधील पैशांची लूट सुरुच; पहिल्या तिमाहित ३२,००० कोटींची फसवणूक
ETAuto Poll: Indian economy is in recession, say 68% respondents
India’s economic slowdown may be worse than it appears
BSNL to cut it workforce by half on voluntary basis after govt's approval
Pune BSNL to face 50 per cent cut in workforce with VRS implementation
BSNL plans to lay off 30% of its contract workforce
दुचाकींची विक्री घटण्यामागे आर्थिक मंदीच
Tata Motors global sales decline 32% to hit 72,624 units in August
India’s Auto Boom Goes Bust
Decoding FM Sitharaman's claim: Is only Ola, Uber behind auto slowdown?
Trouble in Indian auto sector deepens, Toyota, Hyundai halt production
Maruti differs with Nirmala Sitharaman, says Ola, Uber not big factor in auto crisis
वर्षभरात ५९ हजार आर्थिक घोटाळे
मंदी घरात आलीय; आपसूक जाणार नाही!
Around 58% luxury apartments still unsold in Mumbai, says Icra report
A $45 Billion Bet on Narendra Modi’s India Is Unwinding
Banks with exposure to poorly-run NBFCs will have to take larger haircuts, warns RBI Governor Shaktikanta Das
Nirmala Sitharaman slashes corporate tax to fire up economy, market responds with a massive surge
नवरात्रौत्सवात मंदीची ‘गिरकी’
From Underwear to Cars, India’s Economy Is Fraying
इतर :-
Plus-size clothing chain Avenue is closing all 222 locations. Here's the full list.
Apple CEO Tim Cook sells $55 million worth of stock in the company for the first time this year
Jeff Bezos just sold almost $3 billion worth of Amazon shares — here's our best guess at why
Mark Zuckerberg has sold $296 million worth of Facebook shares in August
[ मार्क ०५-०४-२०१९ पासुन सातत्याने त्याचे एफबी शेअर्स विकत आहे. ]
“The Eurozone faces the worst combination of economic and systemic risk”
US could use imperial Chinese debt to ‘simply default’ on Beijing’s $1 trillion of US bond holdings
Here’s a list of recession signals that are flashing red
How the Next Global Financial Collapse Will Unfold
U.S. manufacturing shrunk unexpectedly in August, fueling fears of a recession
Maersk and MSC to suspend AE2 Asia-North Europe loop for the second time
The Next Global Recession Will Be Immune To Monetary Solutions, Says Economist Nouriel Roubini
A Big Mistake China's Political Elite Makes In Fighting The Trade War
Germany's central bank issues recession warning
German Factory Orders Sink, Raising Risk of Recession
German industrial output drop fuels recession risk
Germany’s recession risks rise as July industrial orders drop
Recession risks rise for Germany as industrial orders plunge
Companies in U.S. Blame Trade for 10,488 Job Cuts in August
Companies in US blame trade war for 10,488 layoffs in August: Report
40% of Americans struggle to pay for at least one basic need like food or rent
58% of Americans Have Less Than $1,000 in Savings, Survey Finds
[एक जुनी बातमी ]
Act now to get ready for recession, think-tank urges Britain
Ford’s Downgrade to Junk Revives ‘Fallen Angel’ Fears
Chinese Automobile Sales Decline for 14th Time in 15 Months
Uber announces another round of layoffs as financial uncertainty looms
Uber lays off 435 people across engineering and product teams
The U.S. Debt As A Percentage Of GDP Is Nearly 2000%
Real US debt levels could be 2,000% of economy, a Wall Street report suggests
Around 4,500 truck drivers lost their jobs in August as the trucking ‘bloodbath’ rages on
The Inevitable Bursting of Our Bubble Economy
Economy teetering on edge of recession as rates fall, analysts warn
Nearly 50,000 GM auto workers go on strike for first time since 2007
GM Strike: UAW says automaker should have made latest offer sooner
Will Chicago Be the Largest U.S. City to Declare Bankruptcy?
New data shows 1 in 4 luxury apartments in New York City are unsold — and it could be signaling a recession is near
Gold could soar to its highest level since 2013 if the Fed keeps cutting rates, economist says
FedEx Plunges After Slashing Forecast on Trade War, Slowdown
FedEx tumbles 9% after slashing profit forecast, citing trade war and recession fears
We are in an earnings recession, and it is expected to get worse
Bond King Gundlach says this contradiction in stock and bond markets is ‘danger signal’
Opinion: Stock market’s eerie parallels to September 2007 should raise recession fears
Overstock's controversial former CEO sold his entire $90 million stake to pile into gold and crypto investments
Overstock Founder Dumps His Stake for Gold, Crypto Assets
Former Overstock CEO Sells His Entire 13% Stake in the Firm for $90M
Mortgage rates shoot up following bond market sell-off
Nobel Laureate Shiller Says U.S. Home Prices Could Start Falling
Nobel laureate Robert Shiller said he “wouldn’t be at all surprised” if U.S. house prices start to fall
BofA (BAC) Under CFPB Investigation for Unauthorized Accounts
Facebook suspends tens of thousands of apps following data investigation
US senator asks Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to sell Instagram and WhatsApp
Mark Zuckerberg rejects call from US lawmaker to break up Facebook
Goldman Sachs says the market is about to get wild in October
At Germany’s biggest car show, signs that Europe’s biggest economy is stalling
Stephen Schwarzman explains why recession fears are so high
Cash-strapped Pakistan airline operated 80+ flights with ZERO passengers – media
‘Commit all fraud you need as long as you support the US dollar’ – Max Keiser on JP Morgan scandal
@ सुखी :- प्रतिक्रिये बद्धल धन्यवाद.
जाता जाता :- विक्रम लँडर ७ सप्टेंबरला चंद्रावर लँड झाले त्या नंतर त्याच्याशी संपर्क झाला नाही. चिदंबरम यांची रवानगी तिहारच्या जेल नंबर ७ मध्ये झाली.
आजची स्वाक्षरी :- सुमीत राघवनचा आदित्य ठाकरेंना खरमरीत टोला
23 Sep 2019 - 9:42 am | जॉनविक्क
मंदिने मंडई केली की
23 Sep 2019 - 12:27 am | जालिम लोशन
5 Oct 2019 - 7:11 pm | मदनबाण
फेड :-
The Fed May Have Shrunk Its Balance Sheet Too Much. Does It Matter?
Why the Repo Market Is Such a Big Deal—and Why Its $400 Billion Bailout Is So Unnerving
U.S. quarter-end funding costs stay elevated
What Has Frightened Wall Street Banks from Lending in the Repo Market?
The Fed pumps another $75 billion into financial markets, continuing capital-injection plan
Trump's attacks on the Fed are moving markets, study shows
Former Fed Official Kocherlakota Signals Concern for Repo Market
Aivar Rehe death: Former head of Danske Bank unit at heart of €200bn money-laundering scandal found dead
Why Bitcoin’s hashrate didn’t actually crash 30% yesterday
Bitcoin Price Risks Drop to $7.5K After Third Biggest Daily Loss of 2019
The Fed Created The Everything Bubble And A Liquidity Crisis - What Happens Next? [ वाचनिय लेख ]
The Fed pumps another $110 billion into markets as investor demand surges
Fed Adds $71.7 Billion to Financial System in Latest Repo Transaction
The Fed’s Repo Market Bailout Is a Sign of Deeper Problems—That Are Getting Worse Over Time
Former Fed Chair Yellen says central bank is being too ‘optimistic’ about US economy
Fed Adds $63.5 Billion to Financial System in Repo Transaction
The Fed is injecting hundreds of billions into markets — and it's a practice that could become the new normal
New York Fed awards $54.85 billion in overnight repos
Fed Has No Choice But to Tackle Both Repo and Recession
Federal Reserve Injects Entire Bitcoin Market Cap in Days
Repo Watchers Worry More Trouble Brewing in Fourth Quarter
आपण :-
Chidambaram lost India a million jobs: Jignesh Shah
India is now world’s second largest mobile manufacturer
Distressed employees of BSNL write to PM Narendra Modi, call for revival
India tycoons running out of time with debt dagger hanging over stocks
रस्त्यावरचे खड्डे जेव्हा रोजगार हिरावून नेतात...
Rising gold demand reflecting risk aversion in global financial system
LIC has lost more than Rs 20,000 crore in just 5 PSU stocks Modi govt made it buy in 2 yrs
उद्योगाला घरघर… मंदीमुळे ढोलकीयांचं निघालं दिवाळं; यंदा घर-गाड्यांचा बोनस नाही
PF धारकांच्या खात्यात जमा होणार व्याजाचे ५४ हजार कोटी रूपये
नाव मंदीचे.. ‘काम’ धनिकांचे!
Lockheed to begin supplying F-16 wings from Indian plant in 2020
Lakshmi Vilas Bank directors probed for alleged fraud
अजून एक बँक संकटात, ९३ वर्षे जुन्या बँकेवर RBI चे निर्बंध
‘पीएमसी बँके’वरील र्निबधामुळे १५ हजार पगारदार संस्था, पतसंस्थाही आर्थिक अडचणीत
सौदी अरेबिया भारतात करणार शंभर अब्ज डॉलर्सची गुंतवणूक
‘एमटीएनएल’ कर्मचाऱ्यांना दोन महिने वेतन नाही!
Slowdown hits D-Street: Sharekhan asks over 400 to quit
Over two-thirds of PMC’s loan exposure is in HDIL group
Accenture’s muted Europe growth bad news for Indian IT
More Bad News for the Economy as Eight Core Sector Industries Record Negative Growth
Indian economy needs structural reforms & behavioural change, not macroeconomic jargon
Recession in real estate, high tax rate & poor consumer sentiment cripple Rajasthan's marble industry
Why do credit rating agencies keep missing big Indian company defaults?
Tens of thousands losing jobs as India’s auto crisis deepens: Report
Ashok Leyland domestic sales decline 57% in September
M&M domestic sales drop 21% at 40,692 units in September
In a first, Anil Ambani threatened with class action suit at AGM
Only 10 jobs created for every 100 jobs taken away by Artificial Intelligence
Banking system is safe: RBI tells depositors again as PMC crisis deepens
Cox & Kings faces cash crunch, cancels Europe tours; panic among employees
Several PSU divestments lined up: Govt gears up to kick off its own mega Diwali sale
The collapse of PMC exposes the fault lines in the financial system
Now, PMC Bank's physical assets go missing says a Moneylife report
India’s Yes Bank Bonds Slump by Record After Stock Crash
India's services sector slips to a 19-month low in September: PMI
$63 billion of zombie buildings sound warning for Indian banks
Slowdown tales: Bhiwandi’s power looms fall silent
GST collection slips below Rs 1 lakh crore mark to Rs 91,916 crore in September
British looted $45 trillion from India in today’s value: Jaishankar
RBI cuts repo rate by 25 bps to 5.15%, lowest since March 2010
Loan 'mela' comes at a time when red lights are flashing in RBI's FSR
Slowdown blues: Diwali sales in slow lane for airlines, travel portals
इतर :-
Travel giant Thomas Cook goes bust.
China refuses to lavish money, CPEC comes to a halt
Eurozone manufacturing PMI drops in September to worst level in nearly 7 years
Eurozone Economy is Stalling Shows Latest PMI Data
Eurozone economy slows amid trade decline and Brexit fears
Euro Crashes Through 1.10 - Is Germany in Recession?
German private sector shrinks in September for first time in over six years: PMI
Police launch search for missing former Danske director
Argentina’s Default Risk: What to Know
Jeff Deist: ‘Our Prosperity Is Temporary And Illusory’ – Interview
Student debt hit a depressing amount now hovering at $1.5 trillion. Where do we go from here?
Forty States In The U.S. Do Not Have Enough Money To Pay Their Bills
Unprofitable Companies Are Raising the Most IPO Cash Since the Dot-Com Era
China Defaults Set to Worsen as $8.6 Billion Bonds Due Next Year
The U.S. Is Slowing Down And There’s Nothing Trump Or The Fed Can Do
Spillover: world economies' next big headache
Metro Bank shares plunge after investors snub £200m bond sale
Vernon Hill seeks fresh cash for Metro Bank in wake of bonds blow
'Helicopter money' may be only weapon to confront next recession
Forever 21 files for bankruptcy, will shutter most stores in Asia, Europe
Massive Layoffs: Banks Cutting Nearly 60,000 Jobs Worldwide
WeWork Debacle | A wake up call for not just Softbank, but Indian startup founders and their investors too
How Trump avoids recession, wins reelection: Billionaire Jeffrey Gundlach
Bonds Get a Taste of What Happens When Central Banks Step Back
U.S. manufacturers experience worst month since 2007-2009 Great Recession, ISM finds
US manufacturing survey shows worst reading in a decade
Manufacturers mired in deepest slump since Great Recession
World Economy Sends Up Flares as Manufacturing Slump Hits U.S.
Major U.S. investors have billions at risk in Chinese stocks
Too big to lend? JPMorgan cash hit Fed limits, roiling U.S. repos
Will leave EU on Oct 31 'come what may': Boris Johnson hints no-deal Brexit
Grim Start to U.S. Auto Sales Stirs Alarm That Collapse Is Here
The General Motors strike is getting more expensive. It has likely cost the automaker more than $1 billion already.
A major trucking company just slashed 10% of its workforce - and it shows the trucking 'bloodbath' isn't over
De Beers Diamond Sales Fall 39% in a Year
Pakistan Owes China More Money Than It Owes the IMF
Goldman Says Up to $4 Billion Moved From Hong Kong to Singapore Amid Unrest
Robots to cut 200,000 US bank jobs in next decade, study says
Robots to Cut 200,000 U.S. Bank Jobs in Next Decade, Study Says
Global Semiconductor Sales Down 15.9 Percent Year-to-Year in August
Goldman Faces $260 Million Hit From Equity Bets as Uber Plunges
Kroger to lay off hundreds, as questions about its turnaround plan linger
Kroger to lay off hundreds of management jobs nationwide
Kroger laying off hundreds of store managers
Inside the new Uber: Weak coffee, vanishing perks and fast-deflating morale
Computer maker HP to cut thousands of jobs
Singapore Deputy PM warns of greater economic uncertainty due to US-China trade war
August economic activity worse than 2008 financial crisis, says Nomura
Mass Layoffs, Chaos At 'Sports Illustrated' Spark Journalists' Rebellion
Now All Market Hopes Hinge on Jobs Data as Recession Bells Ring
डॉइश बँक :-
German authorities raid Deutsche Bank over Danske scandal
German authorities raid Deutsche Bank in relation to Danske scandal
Deutsche Bank Raided Over 2018 Danske Bank Money Laundering
The Repo Loan Crisis, Dead Bankers, and Deutsche Bank: Timeline of Events [ वाचनिय लेख ]
What Has Frightened Wall Street Banks from Lending in the Repo Market? [ वाचनिय लेख ]
आजची स्वाक्षरी :- Brahmos Missile : ब्रह्मोस की नई उड़ान || LOKSH INDIA ||
18 Oct 2019 - 9:03 pm | मदनबाण
फेड :-
The Fed says it will continue overnight repos of at least $75 billion through November 4
New York Fed extends daily repo operations to November 4
New York Fed Adds $47 Billion to Financial System
Fed Adds $76.4 Billion to Financial System in Latest Repo Transaction
अत्यंत वाचनिय ! :-
Connecting the Dots to the Budding Wall Street Crisis
The Fed and Wall Street Have their Worry Beads Out Over Deutsche Bank’s “Bad Bank” Idea
There’s Nothing Normal About the Fed Pumping Hundreds of Billions Weekly to Unnamed Banks on Wall Street: “Somebody’s Got a Problem”
The Repo Crisis, Jamie Dimon, and the Bloomberg News Mystery
आपण :-
India hits back at Turkey, Malaysia for buying Pakistan narrative, advises proper understanding on Kashmir
Cox & Kings being probed in Rs 40 crore fraud case
Cox & Kings’ Travellers Lose Lakhs, Franchise Owners ‘Helpless’
Kolkata: Cox & Kings booked for ‘duping’ 75 people of Rs 7.5 crore
10-year bond yield hits lowest level since demonetisation, closes at 6.33%
Investors struggle to cut losses as shadow banking crisis deepens
Demonetisation hit economic activity by 3 percentage points: New study
नोटाबंदीच्या वर्षात अनेक उमेदवारांचं उत्पन्न घटलं?
‘बीएसएनएल-एमटीएनएल’ला अखेर टाळे ठोकणार
‘मारुती’कडून सलग आठव्या महिन्यांत उत्पादन कपात
SFIO asks India’s top law firms to disclose all information related to IL&FS
Nearly Half Of Indians Predict Job Loss And Worsening Economy, RBI Reveals Depressing Status
Telangana Transport Staff Relentless Despite Facing Job Loss
L&T, Siemens: Nine Indian firms to gain from $550-bn Chinese export shift
E-tailers may have sold Rs 19,000-cr goods during festive sale: Redseer
Are Indians going to the movies to escape slowdown? PVR's CEO thinks so
जागतिक मंदीचे परिणाम भारतात ठळकपणे दिसतील – आयएमएफ प्रमुख
Leaders fall the most in auto Inc’s worst dip in 2 decades
India Factory Output Unexpectedly Declines First Time in 2 Years
The ‘i’ in iPhone may soon stand for India
No pickup in demand yet, says HUL Chairman
Malaysian PM says India 'invaded, occupied' Kashmir at UNGA
How India Is Responding To Malaysia’s Reckless, Pro-Pakistan Remarks On The Kashmir Issue At UN
Oh boy, there might be another trade war. This time between India and Malaysia.
Malaysia says will work diplomatically with India if palm oil imports curbed
Malaysia offers to increase imports from India after Kashmir row
India targets Turkish shipyard over ties with Pakistan
Turkish shipyard’s Pakistan links may nix its $2.3 billion India deal
Brexit deal inked, Tata companies can heave a sigh of relief
Brexit deal spells good news for India Inc with large investments in UK
इतर :-
Mass Layoffs, Chaos At 'Sports Illustrated' Spark Journalists' Rebellion
Hedge-fund billionaire raises cash to prepare for potential ‘market meltdown’
HSBC to Cut Up to 10,000 Jobs to Slash Costs, FT Reports
HSBC to slash up to 10,000 jobs; interim CEO Noel Quinn seeks to reduce costs across group: Report
WeWork is planning to lay off up to 25% of its employees as its new CEOs focus on the core business
WeWork’s Startup Party Ends With Some 2,000 Jobs Set to Be Cut
WeWork bosses tell employees job cuts are coming this month
HP India may cut 500 jobs, say analysts
New IMF chief Georgieva warns of 'synchronized slowdown' in global growth
The father of the yield curve indicator says now is the time to prepare for a recession
Denmark's $440 billion pension market sounds alarm as liabilities swell
Central bankers' committee defends unconventional crisis-fighting tools
Recession Fears Are Rising, With Surveys Showing Optimism At New Lows
Federal deficit estimated at $984B, highest in seven years
Geopolitical Signals Of Global Economic Crisis Abound
Harry Dent: Biggest Stock Market Bubble In History Set To Crash
black-swans-arrive-as-u-s-debt-balloons-800-billion-in-two-months/">More Black Swans Arrive As U.S. Debt Balloons $800 Billion In Two Months
A $40 Billion Pile of Leveraged Loans Is Battered by Big Losses
American Railroads Are Already in Recession With No End in Sight
GE’s Latest Casualty? Pension Promises
GE targets $8 billion deficit cut with pension freeze for 20,000
Housing Market Points to Recession By Election Day
Defaults in European Retailers and US Energy on the rise
GM's third-quarter China vehicle sales down 17.5%, as U.S. automakers cede ground
Dutch National Bank Says Gold Can Re-Start Economy in Case of Total Collapse
An article found on the De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB) website has surprised many in the crypto space, with its bold claim that “If the entire system collapses, the gold stock provides a collateral to start over.”
Gold is … the trust anchor for the financial system. If the entire system collapses, the gold stock provides a collateral to start over.
On October 7, the bank also announced they’d soon be moving a large part of their gold reserves to “the new DNB Cash Centre at military premises in Zeist,” a local media outlet
‘Golden week’ property sales plunge in major Chinese cities amid slowing economy, tight mortgage conditions
Shanghai Housing Sales Plunge 86% in Golden Week
Brexit: EU and UK reach deal but DUP refuses support
Boris Johnson scrambles for support on Brexit deal ahead of vote
Another Brexit deal. But will it finally take UK out of EU?
China's GDP growth grinds to near 30-year low as tariffs hit production
China's economic growth drops to lowest level since 1992
डॉइश बँक :-
Deutsche Bank plans half its18,000 job cuts in Germany
Deutsche Bank tells court it does not hold Trump's tax returns
जाता जाता :-
India and Bangladesh sign 7 bilateral agreements, inaugurate 3 projects
आजची स्वाक्षरी :- हेट इंडिया ब्रिगेड आणि कन्हैया कुमार
17 Nov 2019 - 5:48 pm | मदनबाण
Dubai developer calls for property supply freeze
Dubai faces a 'disaster' from overbuilding, says top developer
Kudankulam nuclear power plant denies being victim of cyber spy attack
‘आरबीआय’ची तीन बँकांवर कारवाई, खातेधारकांमध्ये चिंता
व्हॉट्सअॅप, मेसेंजरवर कर लावल्याने पंतप्रधानपद गमावले
Former Scania CEO Warns of Upcoming Civil War in Sweden
Gold amnesty scheme soon to overcome limited success of earlier IDS
Fed cuts interest rates, but indicates a pause is ahead
The Fed has been injecting hundreds of billions into markets since September's rate crisis. Here's why it might not be enough to calm lending conditions.
Cognizant to cut 7000 mid-senior level jobs, exit content moderation
It’s been 11 years since Satoshi Nakamoto unleashed Bitcoin into the wild
How a rumor on WeChat sparked a bank run in China
Rural Chinese lender cautiously re-opens for business after averted bank run
Hong Kong's first recession since 2009 is worse than feared
Hong Kong in recession as protests slam retailers, tourism
गेल्या ५ वर्षात सरकारी बँकांच्या साडेतीन हजार शाखा बंद
Tata Power creates new arm to set up 10,000 microgrids in India
8 digital payment-related scams and how you can avoid them
CBI searches 190 locations in bank fraud cases worth over Rs 7200 crore
Infosys lays off mid, senior level executives
बीएमसीच्या ठेकेदारांवर आयकर विभागाचे छापे, 735 कोटींचा गैरव्यवहार उघड
Hong Kong confirms economy fell into recession amid protests, trade war
डॉइश बँक अपडेट्स :-
Deutsche Bank posts 832 million euro loss amid major restructuring plan
U.S. fines former Deutsche Bank subprime chief over alleged mortgage fraud
Deutsche Bank chairman urged to step down by US private equity firm Cerberus
फेड रेपो क्रायसिस :-
जेव्हा पासुन फेड रेपो रेट क्रायसिस सुरु झाला आहे तेव्हा पासुन मी विशेष चिंतेत आहे, जेव्हा फेडच्या मनी पंपिंग ची बातमी मी वाचली तेव्हा सगळ्यात पहिल्यांदा मला या मालिकेतील ५ वा भाग आठवला. त्यात मी interbank lending market च्या बद्धल माहिती आणि माझ्या पाहण्यात आलेल्या चार्ट बद्धल माहिती दिली होती.
फेडला रेपो रेट नियंत्रणात ठेवण्यासाठी हे मनी पंपिंग करावे लागत आहे असे प्रथमदर्शनी वाटत असले तरी फेड ने वॉल स्ट्रीटला बेल आउट करणे सुरु केले आहे असे मला वाटते आणि म्हणुन ऑक्टोबर पासुन ब्लड बाथ होइल असे देखील वाटले होते. परंतु कुठेतरी या संपुर्ण प्रकरणाला डाउन प्ले करण्याचा अमेरिकन मिडियाचा प्रयत्न चाललेला दिसत आहे.
या वर्षाच्या १७ सप्टेंबर पासुन हे मनी पंपिंग चालु झाले असुन फक्त काही दिवसच केले जाइल असे म्हणता म्हणता आता ते पुढच्या वर्षी देखील सुरु राहणार आहे असे समजत आहे.फेडची हे मनी पंपिंग अगदी तसेच आहे जसे त्यांनी २००८ ला करुन मार्केट मध्ये २९ ट्रिलियन पंप केले होते.
Glass-Steagall Act जर रिस्टोअर करण्यात आला नाही तर काही खरं नाही असे जालावर केलेल्या वाचनातुन समजले, तसेच या आधी मिपाकर क्लिंटन उर्फ गॅरी ट्रुमन यांच्या एका प्रदिसादात देखील या अॅक्ट बद्धल उल्लेख वाचलेला माझ्या लक्षात होता.
थोडक्यात :- फेडचे चाललले मनी पंपिंग आणि दिसत असलेला लिक्विडीटी क्रायसिस येत्या काळातील मेजर कॉलॅप्स चे सुस्पस्ट चिन्ह दर्शवते असे मी स्मजतो.तसेच डच नॅशनल बँकेने दिलेले स्टेटमेंट [ जे वरच्या एका प्रतिसादात दिले आहे. ] हे दर्शवते की एर्हवी आपल्या मोजुन मापुन स्टेटमेंट देणार्या बँक्स जेव्हा इतक्या उघडपणे काही बोलतात तेव्हा त्यांना येणार्या काळात घडणार्या गंभीर घटना क्रमाचा पूर्णपणे अंदाज आलेला असतो आणि ते त्यांच्या कॄतीतुन काही इशारे देखील देतात जसे डच नॅशनल बँकेने ऑक्टोबर ७ ला केले आहे.
आजची स्वाक्षरी :- Imagine Dragons – Believer (8D AUDIO) [ Use Headphones To Feel The Experience ]
19 Nov 2019 - 9:38 pm | मदनबाण
Harbin Bank ही चीनची ५ वी बेल आउट केलेली बँक ठरली असुन या आधी Baoshang Bank , Bank of Jinzhou, Heng Feng Bank, and Henan Yichuan Rural Commercial Bank बेल आउट केल्या गेल्या आहेत.
Expect Beijing to rescue more of China's troubled small banks, say analysts, as Harbin Bank becomes the latest to receive a state lifeline
China’s regulators take the scalpel to further downsize the financial empires of oligarchs Xiao Jianhua and Ye Jianming
जागतिक कर्जाचा डोंगर आता २५० ट्रिलियनच्या उंचीवर पोहचला आहे !
Global debt surged to a record $250 trillion in the first half of 2019, led by the US and China
आपण आत्ता अमेरिकेचे लाँगेस्ट बुल मार्केट इन हिस्टरी आणि लाँगेस्ट इकॉनॉमिक एस्क्पॅशन इन हिस्टरी पाहत आहोत... या बुल मार्केटची सुरुवात मार्च २००९ मध्ये सुरु झाली होती ! सध्य स्थितीत अमेरिका २३ ट्रिलियन कर्जाच्या गाळात बुडालेली आहे.
मागच्या क्रायसिसच्या वेळी स्ब प्राईम हाउसिंग मार्केट गाजले होते तर यावेळी सब प्राईम ऑटो लोन्स गाजत आहेत !
The Holy-Cow Moment for Subprime Auto Loans; Serious Delinquencies Blow Out
याच बरोबर student loan debt हे सुद्धा चर्चेत आहे... ते आता १.६ ट्रिलियन पोहचले आहे !
How did the US reach $1.6 trillion in student debt?
अजुन २ गोष्टी सुद्धा आहेतच...
Consumer debt reaches record-high of $14 trillion
U.S. household debt at record, nearing $14 trillion -NY Fed
U.S. household debt at record, nearing $14 trillion: NY Fed
The Trillion Dollar US Credit Card Bubble Nobody’s Talking About
अमेरिकन जनतेची अवस्था...
70% of Americans say they are struggling financially
Atlanta Fed चे जीडीपी प्रोजेक्शन :- fourth quarter of 2019 is 0.4 percent on November 19, up from 0.3 percent on November 15.
आपल्या बचतीचा बचाव करण्यापेक्षा एखादी नोकरी मिळवण्यासाठी आपण अधिक आनंदी असले पाहिजे :- इति माजी आयएमएफ व्यवस्थापकीय संचालक आणि सध्याच्या युरोपियन सेंट्रेल बँकेच्या अध्यक्ष क्रिस्टीन लागार्डे.
ECB President: ’We Should Be Happier to Have a Job Than to Have Our Savings Protected’
जर्मनीने त्यांचा गोल्ड रिझर्व वाढवण्यास सुरुवात केली असुन २१ वर्षात पहिल्यांदाच जर्मनीच्या सेंट्रल बँकेने [ Bundesbank ] गोल्ड खरेदी केली आहे !
For the first time in 21 years, Germany bought gold for reserves
For the first time in 21 years! Bundesbank increases gold reserves
भारतीय माहिती आणि तंत्रज्ञान कंपन्यांतील कर्मचार्यांच्यासाठी मोठे उभे संकट उभे ठाकले असुन आधीच मोठ्या प्रमाणात या क्षेत्रात नोकर्या गेलेल्या असताना आता अजुन ३० हजार ते ४० हजार कर्मचार्यांना नारळ दिला जाणार आहे !
IT companies may shed 30,000-40,000 mid-level staff: T V Mohandas Pai
फेड रेपो रेट क्रायसिस :-
१७ सप्टेंबर पासुन आत्ता पर्यंत फेडरल रिझर्व ने बाजारात ३ ट्रिलियन डॉलर्स पंप केले आहेत !
जाता जाता :- १ ट्रिलियन म्हणजे १ आकड्याच्या पुढे १२ शुन्य !
आजची स्वाक्षरी :- Tanhaji: The Unsung Warrior
14 Dec 2019 - 11:08 am | मदनबाण
आपण :-
SEBI bans Karvy Broking for nearly Rs 2,000 crore in defaults
No misuse of clients’ securities: Karvy
Karvy raised Rs 600 crore by pledging clients’ securities
Karvy scam | SEBI likely to seek RBI probe into role of banks, NBFCs
Karvy scam: SAT reserves order on Axis Bank's plea
Sebi denies relief to lenders for flouting regulations in Karvy case
Watch | Karvy Broking Scandal Explained: Unethical Pledging of Client Securities?
'Fuel, time worth Rs 12,000 crore wasted at toll plazas per year'
गेल्या दहा वर्षात रेल्वेची स्थिती सर्वात वाईट; मंदीच्या वातावरणात मोदी सरकारला आणखी एक झटका
Ashok Leyland to shut down production for up to 12 days in December
Ashok Leyland announces non-working days for December
L&T At Risk Of Missing Its Full-Year Order Inflow Guidance
Slowdown for India’s auto sector continues as global car sales fall
Auto slowdown: Maruti Suzuki India sales fall 1.9 per cent in November 2019
Auto Slowdown: Honda Cars India domestic sales fall 50% to 6,459 in November
Skoda sales to dip in 2019 due to economic slowdown: Official
India’s Steel Sector To Slowdown On Weak Auto, Manufacturing Demand: Moody’s
Why the slowdown is in the mind
RBI cuts GDP growth forecast for the current fiscal to 5%
India’s construction, property industries in trouble, says Raghuram Rajan
Bid to spur consumption: Save less, spend more is new social security mantra
India and Pakistan waging a cyberwar over Kashmir intelligence
अमेरिका :-
America's largest truck-engine manufacturer just announced 2,000 layoffs - and it's another sign of the trucking 'bloodbath' that's slamming the $800 billion industry
US headed for ‘economic disaster’ worse than in 2008, Peter Schiff tells Boom Bust
Morgan Stanley Ousts FX Traders as It Probes Concealed Loss
Bull markets often end with a euphoric rally called a 'blow-off top.' We may have just had one
Central Banks Cutting Rates Signal The Financial Crisis Is Now
An American trucking giant is slated to declare bankruptcy - and it may leave more than 3,200 truck drivers stranded and jobless
Chevron is writing down as much as $11 billion worth of assets, and it could cost the entire market
U.S. Business Debt Exceeds Households' for First Time Since 1991
US budget deficit rises to $209 billion in November
Bay Area home prices fall, hint toward market correction
चीन :-
The Trouble Has Just Begun, Second Bank Run In Two Weeks In China
Specter of funding crunch looms over runs at China's small banks
A Hong Kong stock just plunged 76% in 30 minutes
China Financial Warning Signs Are Flashing Almost Everywhere
China’s $17 Billion Default Wave Is About to Break a Record
More Bank Runs Worry Chinese Regulators, Investors
China's restaurants feel the heat as pork supplies plunge
HNA Gets Chopped Up, its Many Airlines Buckle & Get Bailouts to Dodge Messy Collapse, but its Hong Kong Airlines?
Beijing Has Built Thousands of Cheap Apartments No One Wants
Central Bank: Over 580 high-risk banks in China
इतर :-
UPDATE 4-M&G suspends $3.2 bln UK property fund as Brexit takes toll
German Lenders Open Floodgates to Negative Rates for all Savers
गोल्ड :-
Bold Bets That Gold Could Triple to $4,000 Trade in New York
Following Poland's lead, another country wants its gold back
डॉइश बँक :-
Exclusive: U.S. digs deeper into Deutsche role in Danske money laundering scandal - sources
हॉट टॉपिक [ फेड रेपो क्रायसिस ] :-
The repo market is ‘broken’ and Fed injections are not a lasting solution, market pros warn
What ongoing repo turmoil means for banks
Repo Turmoil Prompts U.S. Regulators to Scrutinize Market Dangers
U.S. banks' reluctance to lend cash may have caused repo shock: BIS
Repo Blowup Was Fueled by Big Banks and Hedge Funds, BIS Says
The meltdown in the global financial system's 'plumbing' was more disturbing than it appeared
Underpriced Repo Risks May Push Fed Toward QE4, Pozsar Says
Repo Market Crash – Ticking Time Bomb or Radar Blip?
Repo is Wall Street's big year-end worry. Why?
The Fed is ramping up its repo operations to head off year-end funding issues
What’s Wrong With the Repo Market? A Followup.
Fed boosts plan to inject billions into the US economy
The Repo Market’s a Mess. (What’s the Repo Market?)
[ रेपो क्रायसिस बद्धल उत्तम माहिती सांगणारा मस्ट वॉच व्हिडियो ]
जाता जाता :- रेपो क्रायसिस बद्धल शोध घेताना का कोणास ठावुक पण मला जालावर २ शब्द अनेक वेळा समोर आले आहेत, ते म्हणजे
१} Jamie Dimon
२} JPMorgan Chase
७ ची गंमत :- चिदंबरम यांचे ७० दिवसात ७ किलो वजन कमी झाले ! :))) इति :- चिदंबरम लिगल टिम
आजची स्वाक्षरी :- Haiya Ho Full Video | Marjaavaan | Sidharth M, Rakul Preet | Tulsi Kumar, Jubin Nautiyal ,Tanishk B
14 Dec 2019 - 11:56 am | कंजूस
या बातम्यांवर कुणीच प्रतिसाद का देत नाही?
14 Dec 2019 - 12:48 pm | शाम भागवत
त्यासाठी स्वत: वाचायला लागतं, अभ्यास करायला लागतो. ;)
याबाबत वर्तमानपत्रातून छापून येईल. त्यातून विचारांना सोयीप्रमाणे दिशा दिली जाईल. मग त्या आधारावर येतील एकएक जण पुढे!!
14 Dec 2019 - 2:15 pm | गोंधळी
मदनबाणजी us-china trade deal होत आहे व Brexit deal हि होण्याचा मार्ग मोकळा झाला आहे. तर ह्यामुळे मंदीच वातावरण दुर होईल का? व आपल्यावर त्याचा परीणाम कसा होईल ?
14 Dec 2019 - 8:18 pm | मदनबाण
मदनबाणजी us-china trade deal होत आहे व Brexit deal हि होण्याचा मार्ग मोकळा झाला आहे. तर ह्यामुळे मंदीच वातावरण दुर होईल का? व आपल्यावर त्याचा परीणाम कसा होईल ?
अमेरिका-चीन ट्रेड डील झालेले नाही, फक्त फेज १ अॅग्रिमेंट झालेले आहे. जसे युकेत निवडनुका झाल्या तश्या अमेरिकेत व्हायच्या आहेत, तेव्हा ट्रम्प तात्यांना काहीतरी करुन दाखवले हे दर्शवण्यासाठी हे नाट्य सुरु आहे. ट्रम्प तात्या आणि शी जिनपिंग एकत्र येइन जो पर्यंत डील पुर्णत्वास गेली आहे असे जाहिर करत नाहीत तो पर्यंत ट्रेड डील झाली असे म्हणता येणार नाही. असे होण्याची धुसर शक्यता मला जवळपास देखील दिसत नसुन आता खर्या अर्थाने ट्रेड वॉर सुरु झाले असुन आपण दोन महासत्तां मधले डीकपलिंग होताना पाहत आहोत आणि भविष्यात ट्रेड वॉर चे रिअल वॉर मध्ये रुपांतर झाल्यास नवल वाटणार नाही.
अमेरिकेचे बोलणे आणि कृती यात तफावत आहे ! उदा. :-
US legislation on Hong Kong: What does it mean?
Trump Signs Hong Kong Democracy Legislation, Angering China
US House approves Uighur Act calling for sanctions on China's senior officials
Anger in China as US House passes Uighur crackdown bill
ब्रेग्झिट शिवाय दुसरा पर्याय ब्रिटनकडे नव्हता कारण त्यांनीच घेतलेली जनमत चाचणी... या सर्व कलावधी मध्ये नील वूडफोर्ड यांचा फ्लॅगशिप फंड आणि एम अॅंड जी यांचा प्रॉपर्टी फंड यांचे बारा वाजले आहेत ! [ या दोन्ही फंडच्या न्यूज लिंक्स या धाग्यात आहेत. ] ब्रेग्झिट नंतर Nexit [नेदरलँड्स ] Swexit [स्वीडन ] आणि इतर ? बाहेर पडण्यास धजावधील... थोडक्यात युरोपियन युनियनचेच १२ आणि पर्यायाने युरो करंन्सीचे १२ वाजु शकतात.
या पलिकडे सर्वात महत्वाचे म्हणजे साल २०२१ ! कारण या वर्षा अखेर पर्यंत LIBOR [ London InterBank Offered Rate ] ला SOFR [ Secured Overnight Financing Rate ] रिप्लेस करणार आहे ! ग्लोबल फायनॅनशिअल सिस्टिमसाठी ही Y2K मोमेंट ठरणार आहे !
थोडक्यात आपण आपण अस्थिरतेकडुन मोठ्या अस्थिरतेकडे वाटचाल करणार आहोत.
अधिक इथे :-
Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR)
Libor scandal: the bankers who fixed the world’s most important number
Understanding the Libor Scandal
What is SOFR? The new U.S. Libor alternative
Factbox: The global benchmarks replacing Libor
The end of Libor - the biggest banking challenge you've never heard of
आता आपली अवस्था :-
आपला सगळ्यात मोठा प्लस पॉइंट स्थिर सरकार हा आहे आणि याची आपल्या प्रचंड गरज आहे ! मोदी २.० वर अजुनही मी विश्वास ठेवुन आहे आणि त्यांच्याकडे पुढील ६ महिने अत्यंत महत्वाचे आहेत असे मला वाटते, यात त्यांनी अर्थव्यवस्थेला चालना देता येइल असे सर्व काही केलेच पाहिजे [ आत्ता ते करत असतीलच म्हणा ]
निर्मला सितारामन करत असलेली वक्त्यव्ये चीड आणणारी असुन त्यांनी यापेक्षा मौन पत्करावे असा चकटफु सल्ला मी देइन. दोन बोक्यांच्या भांडणात माकड बनुन आपल्याला लोणी खाता येत नाही हे काळजी वाढवणारे असुन लोणी व्हिएतनामच्या ताटात जाताना दिसते.
बादवे तो मेक इन इंडियाचा सिंह कोणाला आठवतो का ? तो सध्या कुठे ठेवला आहे हे कोणी मला सांगितल्यास आभारी असेन. :)
आजची स्वाक्षरी :- Haiya Ho Full Video | Marjaavaan | Sidharth M, Rakul Preet | Tulsi Kumar, Jubin Nautiyal ,Tanishk B